
In Pursuit Of Better

Brand Engagement



In Pursuit Of Better - Brand Engagement
Working with DesignBridge Shanghai

Brand language, engagement ideation and execution including production drawings.


Head turning engagement
Products to engage consumers within the busy nightlife environment.


Danish at heart
Developed nightlife brand language while maintaining the Danish brand values.


Multi-functional Offering
Innovative products with multiple uses and functions.


"20% increase in order in compared to past years.”

“Originally briefed to increase brand visibility in night entertainment channels in China through new product design, we knew we had to aim higher - we had to channel J.C. Jacobsen’s tenacious spirit and strive for ‘betterment’. 

The Nightlife Entertainment channel in China is dark, crowded, and constantly striving for a better experience for its guests. This informed individual briefs for new products that would solve some of the current challenges whilst collectively improving the Carlsberg Brand image. 

The final solution is a range of brand experiences that solve problems or create opportunities to improve the nightlife entertainment channel experience, all designed and executed to the upmost quality considering every detail required to make sure these products last the test of time. “



In Pursuit Of Better
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